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E57 Reader Best Practices

This is a list of the best practices on interpreting the E2807 standard and using the libE57 library.


Click each item to expand its details.

  • Using IntensityLimits
  • Since the intensity unit is unspecified it is necessary to normalize it into a known range before converting it into other usable forms.

    // SimpleAPI

    double intOffset = header.intensityLimits.intensityMinimum; double intRange = header.intensityLimits.intensityMaximum - intOffset; if(intRange <= 0.) intRange = 1.;

    // FoundationAPI

    double intensityMinimum = 0.; double intensityMaximum = 1.; if(scan.isDefined("intensityLimits")) { StructureNode intbox(scan.get("intensityLimits")); if( intbox.get("intensityMaximum").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { intensityMaximum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(intbox.get("intensityMaximum")).scaledValue(); intensityMinimum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(intbox.get("intensityMinimum")).scaledValue(); } else if( intbox.get("intensityMaximum").type() == E57_FLOAT ){ intensityMaximum = FloatNode(intbox.get("intensityMaximum")).value(); intensityMinimum = FloatNode(intbox.get("intensityMinimum")).value(); } else if( intbox.get("intensityMaximum").type() == E57_INTEGER) { intensityMaximum = (double) IntegerNode(intbox.get("intensityMaximum")).value(); intensityMinimum = (double) IntegerNode(intbox.get("intensityMinimum")).value(); } } double intOffset = intensityMinimum; double intRange = intensityMaximum - intOffset; if(intRange <= 0.) intRange = 1.; ... //for each point this converts intensity data into 0. to 1. range double intensity = (intensityData[i] - intOffset) / intRange;
  • Using ColorLimits
  • Since the color unit is unspecified it is necessary to convert it into a known range before using it.

    // SimpleAPI

    double redOffset = header.colorLimits.colorRedMinimum; double redRange = header.colorLimits.colorRedMaximum - redOffset; if(redRange <= 0.) redRange = 1.; double greenOffset = header.colorLimits.colorGreenMinimum; double greenRange = header.colorLimits.colorGreenMaximum - greenOffset; if(greenRange <= 0.) greenRange = 1.; double blueOffset = header.colorLimits.colorBlueMinimum; double blueRange = header.colorLimits.colorBlueMaximum - blueOffset; if(blueRange <= 0.) blueRange = 1.;

    // FoundationAPI

    double colorRedMinimum = 0.; double colorRedMaximum = 0.; double colorGreenMinimum = 0.; double colorGreenMaximum = 0.; double colorBlueMinimum = 0.; double colorBlueMaximum = 0.; if(scan.isDefined("colorLimits")) { StructureNode colorbox(scan.get("colorLimits")); if( colorbox.get("colorRedMaximum").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { colorRedMaximum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorRedMaximum")).scaledValue(); colorRedMinimum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorRedMinimum")).scaledValue(); colorGreenMaximum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorGreenMaximum")).scaledValue(); colorGreenMinimum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorGreenMinimum")).scaledValue(); colorBlueMaximum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorBlueMaximum")).scaledValue(); colorBlueMinimum = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorBlueMinimum")).scaledValue(); } else if( colorbox.get("colorRedMaximum").type() == E57_FLOAT ){ colorRedMaximum = FloatNode(colorbox.get("colorRedMaximum")).value(); colorRedMinimum = FloatNode(colorbox.get("colorRedMinimum")).value(); colorGreenMaximum = FloatNode(colorbox.get("colorGreenMaximum")).value(); colorGreenMinimum = FloatNode(colorbox.get("colorGreenMinimum")).value(); colorBlueMaximum = FloatNode(colorbox.get("colorBlueMaximum")).value(); colorBlueMinimum = FloatNode(colorbox.get("colorBlueMinimum")).value(); } else if( colorbox.get("colorRedMaximum").type() == E57_INTEGER) { colorRedMaximum = (double) IntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorRedMaximum")).value(); colorRedMinimum = (double) IntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorRedMinimum")).value(); colorGreenMaximum = (double) IntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorGreenMaximum")).value(); colorGreenMinimum = (double) IntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorGreenMinimum")).value(); colorBlueMaximum = (double) IntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorBlueMaximum")).value(); colorBlueMinimum = (double) IntegerNode(colorbox.get("colorBlueMinimum")).value(); } } double redOffset = colorRedMinimum; double redRange = colorRedMaximum - redOffset; if(redRange <= 0.) redRange = 1.; double greenOffset = colorGreenMinimum; double greenRange = colorGreenMaximum - greenOffset; if(greenRange <= 0.) greenRange = 1.; double blueOffset = colorBlueMinimum; double blueRange = colorBlueMaximum - blueOffset; if(blueRange <= 0.) blueRange = 1.; ... //for each point this converts color data into 0 to 255 range UCHAR red = (UCHAR) (((redData[i] - redOffset) * 255) / redRange); UCHAR green = (UCHAR) (((greenData[i] - greenOffset) * 255) / greenRange); UCHAR blue = (UCHAR) (((blueData[i] - blueOffset) * 255) / blueRange);
  • Using IndexBounds for Structured Size
  • The structure point cloud size can be calculated using the following:

    // SimpleAPI

    int nSizeRows = header.indexBounds.rowMaximum - header.indexBounds.rowMinimum + 1; int nSizeColumns = header.indexBounds.columnMaximum - header.indexBounds.columnMinimum + 1; int nSizeReturns = header.indexBounds.returnMaximum - header.indexBounds.returnMinimum + 1;

    // FoundationAPI

    int rowMaximum = 0.; int rowMinimum = 0.; int columnMaximum = 0.; int columnMinimum = 0.; int returnMaximum = 0.; int returnMinimum = 0.; if(scan.isDefined("indexBounds")) { StructureNode ibox(scan.get("indexBounds")); if(ibox.isDefined("rowMaximum")) { rowMinimum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("rowMinimum")).value(); rowMaximum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("rowMaximum")).value(); } if(ibox.isDefined("columnMaximum")) { columnMinimum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("columnMinimum")).value(); columnMaximum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("columnMaximum")).value(); } if(ibox.isDefined("returnMaximum")) { returnMinimum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("returnMinimum")).value(); returnMaximum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("returnMaximum")).value(); } } int nSizeRows = rowMaximum - rowMinimum + 1; int nSizeColumns = columnMaximum - columnMinimum + 1; int nSizeReturns = returnMaximum - returnMinimum + 1;
  • Converting Quaternion to Matrix
  • Creating a rotation matrix from a quaternion:

    // SimpleAPI

    double w = header.pose.rotation.w; double x = header.pose.rotation.x; double y = header.pose.rotation.y; double z = header.pose.rotation.z;

    // FoundationAPI

    double w,x,y,z; if(scan.isDefined("pose")) { StructureNode pose(scan.get("pose")); if(pose.isDefined("rotation")) { StructureNode rotation(pose.get("rotation")); w = FloatNode(rotation.get("w")).value(); x = FloatNode(rotation.get("x")).value(); y = FloatNode(rotation.get("y")).value(); z = FloatNode(rotation.get("z")).value(); } } // make rotation matrix double mat[3][3]; mat[0][0] = 1. - 2.*y*y - 2.*z*z; mat[0][1] = 2.*x*y - 2.*z*w; mat[0][2] = 2.*x*z + 2.*y*w; mat[1][0] = 2.*x*y + 2.*z*w; mat[1][1] = 1. - 2.*x*x - 2.*z*z; mat[1][2] = 2.*y*z - 2.*x*w; mat[2][0] = 2.*x*z - 2.*y*w; mat[2][1] = 2.*y*z + 2.*x*w; mat[2][2] = 1. - 2.*x*x - 2.*y*y;
  • Reading Guids
  • If the E57 writer used a windows GUID then this code will recover the GUID structure from a string.

    #if defined(_MSC_VER)	// Only for windows
    	GUID guid;	//--- Here is the GUID

    // FoundationAPI

    ustring guid = StringNode(root_.get("guid")).value(); CString strGuid = (_bstr_t) guid; //converts char to wchar

    // SimpleAPI

    CString strGuid = (_bstr_t) header.guid.c_str(); //add {} if missing CString winGuid = strGuid; if( strGuid[0] != _T('{')) { winGuid = _T("{"); winGuid += strGuid; winGuid += _T("}"); } //looking for a string like "{6A91E935-5559-477b-BE0C-7CE4E0BDFB7C}" if( winGuid.GetLength() == 38 && winGuid[0] == _T('{') && winGuid[9] == _T('-') && winGuid[14] == _T('-') && winGuid[19] == _T('-') && winGuid[24] == _T('-') && winGuid[37] == _T('}')) { //convert to GUID HRESULT hr = IIDFromString((LPOLESTR) winGuid,(LPIID) &guid); } else { ... //guid is not a windows guid } #else //Non-windows # include "boost/uuid/uuid.hpp" # include "boost/uuid/uuid_generators.hpp" # include "boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp" boost::uuids::uuid Uuid; //--- Here is the UUID

    // FoundationAPI

    string strUuid = StringNode(root_.get("guid")).value();

    // SimpleAPI

    string strUuid = header.guid.c_str(); //remove {} if present if(strUuid[0] == '{') strUuid.erase(1,0); //looking for a string like "6A91E935-5559-477b-BE0C-7CE4E0BDFB7C" if( strUuid.length() >= 36 && strUuid[8] == '-' && strUuid[13] == '-' && strUuid[18] == '-' && strUuid[23] == '-') { //convert to uuid std::stringstream ss; ss << strUuid; ss >> Uuid; } else { ... //uuid is not a windows guid } #endif
  • Reading GPS Date Time
  • Use this code to read the GPS Date Time fields.

    // SimpleAPI

    #if defined(_MSC_VER) // Only for windows SYSTEMTIME fileDateTime; header.acquisitionStart.dateTimeValue.GetSystemTime(fileDateTime); #else int year, month, day, hour, minute; float seconds; header.acquisitionStart.dateTimeValue.GetUTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds); #endif

    // FoundationAPI

    double dateTimeValue = 0.; int isAtomicClockReferenced = 0; if(scan.isDefined("acquisitionStart")) { StructureNode acquisitionStart(scan.get("acquisitionStart")); dateTimeValue = FloatNode(acquisitionStart.get("dateTimeValue")).value(); isAtomicClockReferenced = (int32_t) IntegerNode(acquisitionStart.get("isAtomicClockReferenced")).value(); } #ifdef _C_TIMECONV_H_ unsigned short utc_year; //Universal Time Coordinated [year] unsigned char utc_month; //1-12 months unsigned char utc_day; //1-31 days unsigned char utc_hour; //hours unsigned char utc_minute; //minutes float utc_seconds;//seconds unsigned short gps_week; //GPS week (0-1024+) double gps_tow; //GPS time of week(0-604800.0) seconds gps_week = ((int)floor(dateTimeValue))/604800; gps_tow = dateTimeValue - gps_week*604800.; bool result = TIMECONV_GetUTCTimeFromGPSTime( gps_week, gps_tow, &utc_year, &utc_month, &utc_day, &utc_hour, &utc_minute, &utc_seconds); #endif
  • Reading Scaled Integers
  • Use this code to recover the scaled integer point data range. However, the point data has already been converted when you get the data.

    // SimpleAPI

    double pointRangeScaledInteger = header.pointFields.pointRangeScaledInteger; double pointRangeMinimum = header.pointFields.pointRangeMinimum; double pointRangeMaximum = header.pointFields.pointRangeMaximum;

    // FoundationAPI

    double pointRangeScaledInteger = 0.; //FloatNode double pointRangeMinimum = 0.; double pointRangeMaximum = 0.; if( proto.isDefined("cartesianX")) { if( proto.get("cartesianX").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { double scale = ScaledIntegerNode(proto.get("cartesianX")).scale(); double offset = ScaledIntegerNode(proto.get("cartesianX")).offset(); int64_t minimum = ScaledIntegerNode(proto.get("cartesianX")).minimum(); int64_t maximum = ScaledIntegerNode(proto.get("cartesianX")).maximum(); pointRangeMinimum = (double) minimum * scale + offset; pointRangeMaximum = (double) maximum * scale + offset; pointRangeScaledInteger = scale; } else if( proto.get("cartesianX").type() == E57_FLOAT ) { pointRangeMinimum = FloatNode(proto.get("cartesianX")).minimum(); pointRangeMaximum = FloatNode(proto.get("cartesianX")).maximum(); } }
  • Reading Cartesian Bounds
  • Use this code to read the CartesianBounds data.


    double MaxX,MinX,MaxY,MinY,MaxZ,MinZ; if(scan.isDefined("cartesianBounds")) { StructureNode bbox(scan.get("cartesianBounds")); if( bbox.get("xMinimum").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { MinX = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(bbox.get("xMinimum")).scaledValue(); MaxX = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(bbox.get("xMaximum")).scaledValue(); MinY = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(bbox.get("yMinimum")).scaledValue(); MaxY = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(bbox.get("yMaximum")).scaledValue(); MinZ = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(bbox.get("zMinimum")).scaledValue(); MaxZ = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(bbox.get("zMaximum")).scaledValue(); } else if( bbox.get("xMinimum").type() == E57_INTEGER ) { MinX = (double) IntegerNode(bbox.get("xMinimum")).value(); MaxX = (double) IntegerNode(bbox.get("xMaximum")).value(); MinY = (double) IntegerNode(bbox.get("yMinimum")).value(); MaxY = (double) IntegerNode(bbox.get("yMaximum")).value(); MinZ = (double) IntegerNode(bbox.get("zMinimum")).value(); MaxZ = (double) IntegerNode(bbox.get("zMaximum")).value(); } else if( bbox.get("xMinimum").type() == E57_FLOAT ){ MinX = FloatNode(bbox.get("xMinimum")).value(); MaxX = FloatNode(bbox.get("xMaximum")).value(); MinY = FloatNode(bbox.get("yMinimum")).value(); MaxY = FloatNode(bbox.get("yMaximum")).value(); MinZ = FloatNode(bbox.get("zMinimum")).value(); MaxZ = FloatNode(bbox.get("zMaximum")).value(); } }


    double MinX = header.cartesianBounds.xMinimum; double MaxX = header.cartesianBounds.xMaximum; double MinY = header.cartesianBounds.yMinimum; double MaxY = header.cartesianBounds.yMaximum; double MinZ = header.cartesianBounds.zMinimum; double MaxZ = header.cartesianBounds.zMaximum;
  • Reading Spherical Bounds
  • Use this code to read the SphericalBounds data.


    double MaxRange,MinRange,AzimuthStart,AzimuthEnd,MaxElevation,MinElevation; if(scan.isDefined("sphericalBounds")) { StructureNode sbox(scan.get("sphericalBounds")); if( sbox.get("rangeMinimum").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { MinRange = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(sbox.get("rangeMinimum")).scaledValue(); MaxRange = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(sbox.get("rangeMaximum")).scaledValue(); } else if( sbox.get("rangeMinimum").type() == E57_FLOAT ){ MinRange = FloatNode(sbox.get("rangeMinimum")).value(); MaxRange = FloatNode(sbox.get("rangeMaximum")).value(); } if( sbox.get("elevationMinimum").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { MinElevation = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(sbox.get("elevationMinimum")).scaledValue(); MaxElevation = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(sbox.get("elevationMaximum")).scaledValue(); } else if( sbox.get("elevationMinimum").type() == E57_FLOAT ){ MinElevation = FloatNode(sbox.get("elevationMinimum")).value(); MaxElevation = FloatNode(sbox.get("elevationMaximum")).value(); } if( sbox.get("azimuthStart").type() == E57_SCALED_INTEGER ) { AzimuthStart = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(sbox.get("azimuthStart")).scaledValue(); AzimuthEnd = (double) ScaledIntegerNode(sbox.get("azimuthEnd")).scaledValue(); } else if( sbox.get("azimuthStart").type() == E57_FLOAT ){ AzimuthStart = FloatNode(sbox.get("azimuthStart")).value(); AzimuthEnd = FloatNode(sbox.get("azimuthEnd")).value(); } }


    double MinRange = header.sphericalBounds.rangeMinimum; double MaxRange = header.sphericalBounds.rangeMaximum; double MinElevation = header.sphericalBounds.elevationMinimum; double MaxElevation = header.sphericalBounds.elevationMaximum; double AzimuthStart = header.sphericalBounds.azimuthStart; double AzimuthEnd = header.sphericalBounds.azimuthEnd;
  • Reading Return Index
  • The standard states that returnIndex is zero based. That is, 0 is the first return, 1 is the second, and so on. Shall be in the interval [0, returnCount - 1]. That means the indexBounds.returnMinimum will always be 0.

    The returnCount is the total number of returns for the pulse that is corresponds to. Shall be in the interval of [0, indexBounds.returnMaximum + 1]. This means the a returnCount of 0 is an invalid point.

    So for a scanner returning upto 3 return points, the returnIndex,returnCount would be 0,3 for the first return, 1,3 for the second return, and 2,3 for the last return. indexBounds.returnMinimum will be 0 and indexBounds.returnMaximum will be 2;

    	int nSize = 1024;  //buffer size;
    	int8_t *pReturnIndex = NULL;
    	int8_t *pReturnCount = NULL;

    // SimpleAPI

    int returnMaximum = 0.; int returnMinimum = 0.; if(header.pointFields.returnIndexField) { pReturnIndex = new int8_t[nSize]; returnMinimum = (int) header.indexBounds.returnMinimum; returnMaximum = (int) header.indexBounds.returnMaximum; } if(header.pointFields.returnCountField) pReturnCount = new int8_t[nSize]; ... e57::CompressedVectorReader reader = eReader->SetUpData3DPointsData( scanIndex, // data block index given by the NewData3D nSize, // size of each element buffer. pCartesianX, // pointer to a buffer with the X coordinate (in meters) of the point in Cartesian coordinates pCartesianY, // pointer to a buffer with the Y coordinate (in meters) of the point in Cartesian coordinates pCartesianZ, // pointer to a buffer with the Z coordinate (in meters) of the point in Cartesian coordinates pXYZInvalid, // Value = 0 if the point is considered valid, 1 or 2 otherwise pIntData, // pointer to a buffer with the Point response intensity. Unit is unspecified pIntInvalid, // Value = 0 if the intensity is considered valid, 1 otherwise pRedData, // pointer to a buffer with the Red color coefficient. Unit is unspecified pGreenData, // pointer to a buffer with the Green color coefficient. Unit is unspecified pBlueData, // pointer to a buffer with the Blue color coefficient. Unit is unspecified pColorInvalid, // Value = 0 if the color is considered valid, 1 otherwise pRangeData, // pointer to a buffer with the range (in meters) of points in spherical coordinates. Shall be non-negative pAzimuthData, // pointer to a buffer with the Azimuth angle (in radians) of point in spherical coordinates pElevationData, // pointer to a buffer with the Elevation angle (in radians) of point in spherical coordinates pRAEInvalid, // Value = 0 if the range is considered valid, 1 otherwise pRowIndex, // pointer to a buffer with the row number of point (zero based). // This is useful for data that is stored in a regular grid. Shall be in the interval (0, 2^63). pColumnIndex, // pointer to a buffer with the column number of point (zero based). // This is useful for data that is stored in a regular grid. Shall be in the interval (0, 2^63). pReturnIndex, // pointer to a buffer with the number of this return (zero based). // That is, 0 is the first return, 1 is the second, and so on. Shall be in the interval (0, returnCount). // Only for multi-return sensors. pReturnCount, // pointer to a buffer with the total number of returns for the pulse that this corresponds to. // Shall be in the interval (0, 2^63). Only for multi-return sensors. pTimeStamp, // pointer to a buffer with the time (in seconds) since the start time for the data, // which is given by acquisitionStart in the parent Data3D Structure. Shall be non-negative pTimeInvalid // Value = 0 if the timeStamp is considered valid, 1 otherwise ); ...

    // FoundationAPI

    StructureNode scan(data3D_.get(dataIndex)); int returnMaximum = 0.; int returnMinimum = 0.; if(scan.isDefined("indexBounds")) { StructureNode ibox(scan.get("indexBounds")); ... if(ibox.isDefined("returnMaximum")) { returnMinimum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("returnMinimum")).value(); returnMaximum = IntegerNode(ibox.get("returnMaximum")).value(); } } CompressedVectorNode points(scan.get("points")); StructureNode prototype(points.prototype()); ... int64_t protoCount = prototype.childCount(); int64_t protoIndex; vector destBuffers; for( protoIndex = 0; protoIndex < protoCount; protoIndex++) { ustring name = prototype.get(protoIndex).elementName(); ... if((name.compare("returnIndex") == 0) && prototype.isDefined("returnIndex")) { pReturnIndex = new int8_t[count]; destBuffers.push_back(SourceDestBuffer(imf_, "returnIndex", pReturnIndex, (unsigned) count, true, false)); } else if((name.compare("returnCount") == 0) && prototype.isDefined("returnCount")) { pReturnCount = new int8_t[count]; destBuffers.push_back(SourceDestBuffer(imf_, "returnCount", pReturnCount, (unsigned) count, true, false)); } ... } CompressedVectorReader reader = points.reader(destBuffers); ...

    // Both

    unsigned size = 0; while(size = reader.read()) { for(long i = 0; i < size; i++) { Point P(pCartesianX[i],pCartesianY[i],pCartesianZ[i]); if(pReturnIndex) { int ret = (pReturnIndex[i] - returnMinimum); //cannot deal with more than one return per point // use only the first return if(ret > 0) continue; //discard other returns // or use only the last return if(ret != (pReturnCount[i] - 1)) continue; //discard all others ... //use this point } ... } }

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